Thank you for considering private coaching with One Wave Life. There is only space for a very limited number of clients. Please complete this application to apply for private coaching with Brent Haydey.
Click the button below to start.
Question 1 of 14
What is your name, business name, role(s) in the business, and nature of what the business does?
Question 2 of 14
What is the current size of your business?
Solo entrepreneur
Small team (1-10 employees)
Medium-sized business (11-50 employees)
Large business (51+ employees)
Question 3 of 14
What are the top three goals you wish to achieve through private coaching?
Question 4 of 14
What is the most important area of your life or business you want to focus on?
Purpose, vision, and direction
Business opportunity and growth
Work-life balance and personal well-being
Time, prioritization, and productivity
Key relationships and connection
Other (please specify in the final question of the application)
Question 5 of 14
What challenges are you currently facing in your business or life that you believe coaching could help you overcome?
Question 6 of 14
How would you describe your current level of stress or overwhelm in your business or personal life?
Periodic but intense
Constant and draining
Question 7 of 14
Why is now the right time for you to invest in private coaching?
Question 8 of 14
How much time can you commit to coaching sessions, reflection, and implementing strategies?
Less than 1 hour per week
1-2 hours per week
3-5 hours per week
More than 5 hours per week
Question 9 of 14
Describe your vision for your ideal life and business. How does it differ from your current reality?
Question 10 of 14
What values guide you as a business owner and leader?
Question 11 of 14
How do you typically respond to constructive feedback or being challenged to grow?
I embrace it wholeheartedly
I'm open to it, but it can be uncomfortable at times.
I'm resistant initially but usually come around.
I struggle with feedback or challenges.
Question 12 of 14
What would success in this coaching partnership look like for you? How will you measure it?
Question 13 of 14
Are you prepared to invest in coaching, both financially and emotionally, to create the change you desire?
Yes, I am fully ready.
Yes, but I have questions about the process.
I'm unsure and would like to discuss further.
No, not at this time but I might be open to small group or community focused support.
No, not at this time.
Question 14 of 14
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you or your goals for coaching?