Hello, I'm Brent Haydey.


I'm an avid adventurer, traveler, SCUBA diver, and runner. I love the outdoors and embrace an active, healthy lifestyle.

My Story


I am a family man with a business, not the other way around.

I strive to be a living, breathing example of the work-life balance I so passionately help others create and fully live more and more of my ideal life with each passing day. My current focus is helping people reconnect with what matters most, redefine success, create freedom to achieve that success at work and at home, and fully live their best life.

I achieve this through private mentor and coaching support and withĀ this membership community.Ā 

I came to be on this path through my formal background of a degree in exercise science and kinesiology, my 30+ year career evolution into life, health, executive, and business coaching, as well as my 25+ years of experience as an entrepreneur in building four businesses.

Ultimately it was when I experienced an unfortunate trifecta of a business crash, several significant health challenges, and a personal relationship tragedy that my true calling became clear. Rising from those challenges, and the lessons learned over many years, I gained the insight necessary to rebuild my life and create the business that now helps countless others create the freedom they need to achieve and fully life their ideal lives.