Hear From Our Clients

Here is what clients of our private coaching, mastermind groups, and Wave Masters community membership have to say about Brent Haydey and One Wave Life.

One Wave Life Global Community Testimonials

Brent can help you make a life, not just a living...

I have been fortunate to meet Brent Haydey. It has been a pleasure and honour to be coached by Brent over the past year through his online coaching program.

I did not know how and where I was going to find the time to take advantage of his coaching expertise, but so grateful I made this choice! I love Brent's gentle and inspiring coaching style, always reminding me to celebrate my successes big and small along my journey to achieve my ultimate goal of more balance and freedom to live a life of my dreams.

Brent has been instrumental in helping me reach my higher potential keeping me on track when I may have not had the belief in myself to do so.

If you are a busy entrepreneur and looking to achieve a healthier life balance, I would highly recommend Brent Haydey. Brent can help you "make a Life, not just a Living!"

Linda Kowalski

I don't have time, I don't need it, I can't afford that...

Too many of us, including myself, have said the above with regards to Life Coaching. I am very satisfied that I did inquire into one of the services that Brent offers with his company.

The program is once per month, 60 minutes, facilitated by Brent. The online program allows me to discuss with Brent what is really important to me in my work and personal life. Brent easily talking about wins, thinking about challenges AND the options for resolutions. Getting back and staying on track.

I am focused, reenergized with the clarity checkup that we do together or in a group once per month.

There is absolutely time for this very affordable service for my business. Contact Brent today !

Karen Cloney

Private Coaching Testimonials

Brent and I created space for me to methodically think...

Together, Brent and I created space for me to methodically think about what is most important to me in my life (at this time) and to name those things so I can confidently recognize them as part of my identity and therefore be more discerning about what I bring into my life and what I let go of. I found this extremely grounding and an excellent launch pad for me to redefine my direction in life (and thus career) as I move into this next chapter. Coming from an independent consulting background (i.e., someone who is my own boss, does not have staff, and has flexible hours to begin with) there were some employee/corporate parts that didn’t resonate as clearly for me. That said, Brent and I spoke about these and he was very open to adapting and shifting as needed.

Emma Wilkins

His support has been crucial in helping me move forward...

If you are a business owner, likely you’ve had days where you’ve felt overwhelmed and wonder if all of the stress is worth it.

Brent Haydey has the ability to help his clients cut down on the stress and focus on what really matters to them. He has a system which really helps you identify what’s important and where to spend your time.

His support has been crucial in helping me move forward in my life’s journey, not only in business but in all areas of my life. I’m very thankful to Brent and would highly recommend his services to any entrepreneur looking to get more out of life!

Gerhardt Klann

I love my life...

As usual, to begin our bi-monthly coaching session, business coach Brent asked me to sum up how I was feeling that day...to which I replied: "I LOVE MY LIFE"! I was over the moon and told him so. He was pleasantly surprised and I bet pleased.

You see, I began working with Brent almost 2.5 years ago. I went to him to get help so I could get more out of my business life. And that worked, not only was my 2016 the best year in the past 14, but my personal life has soared more.

You see coach Brent thinks 'if' we're really serious about 'entrepreneurial freedom, we'll plan our ideal lives and then plan our ideal business lives. Most coaches do the reverse, focus on business and hope that will result in an ideal life. That sequence doesn't always work. So every two weeks we review and tweak my plans.

Each coaching call is different yet we cover the same stuff every appointment: what's going on in my life and then what's going on in my business life. It's a routine that's helped me get my priorities in clear focus...there's no sense having a great business life if my personal life is 'less than perfect', what's the point?

It's easy working with and learning from Brent because he practices what he preaches, he's well aware of how life challenges affect business and how business challenges affect life. The past 2.5 years with Brent have been great...I'm looking forward to the next 5!

Thais McKee