A community of business owners dedicated to creating the freedom needed to thrive at work while also living a life they love!


Do you want your life back and still be able to grow a thriving business?


Day after day you're probably working endless hours just to keep your business afloat, but at what cost?

It might feel like you're caught in a stormy sea with waves of work and life crashing down all around you. Barely breathing some days, drowning on others.

Perhaps you’re making good money but are frustrated because you have no life, other than work, and can't seem to get to the next level. That next 100K, quarter million, or million remains elusive to you and it's killing you trying to get it. Did you think you’d be enjoying your work more than you are? You probably thought things would be different by now, right?

Maybe you’re overwhelmed by having to take on so many roles you really don’t like, but have to be done, and hate going to work everyday. Perhaps you’ve convinced yourself to stay the course and once your business hits a certain target then you’ll be able change things. But that day just never comes, does it?

Maybe you’ve fallen into the trap of making your work and money your sole focus and are increasingly disillusioned because you see your health and well being sliding downhill. Then again maybe your sole focus on work has your spouse or kids growing further from you and you cannot see a way out.

Whatever waves are crashing down on you causing you to feel trapped, stressed, imbalanced and burning out, please know that you are not alone with the challenges you face.

We all want the freedom to live our best life and to continue to grow a thriving business and earn good money while doing so. But before it’s yours, you have to discover solutions to problems like these...

✔️  How to gain control over your schedule and your life

✔️  How to reclaim time

✔️  How to be clear of your direction, vision, and purpose at work and home

 ✔️  How to ensure you don't miss the most important moments in your kids lives

✔️  How to set boundaries and keep them

✔️  How to consistently fit exercise, healthy eating, and quality sleep into your day

✔️  How to nurture your relationship with your spouse

✔️  How to wind down properly

✔️  How to stop procrastinating

✔️  How to take fully present vacations

✔️  How to be there for your ageing parents

✔️  How to say NO

✔️  How to prioritize the things that matter most at work and at home

✔️ How to be the best version of you

How do you shift from drowning  to riding each wave you face to the calmer waters of your ideal life?

If you attempt to do it alone, you will fail.

There are simply too many forces acting against you. Thousands of external forces impact you, sometimes very subtly, every day and that could include the people closest to you. There are even more powerful forces acting deep within you… constantly!

Both continue to pull you back into the stormy seas of overwork and overwhelm that lead you here in the first place. You will repeat your history over and over again… unless you do things differently.


Introducing WAVE MASTERS!

Whether you are just getting started, are fully immersed in it and experiencing a form of mid business crisis, or are looking ahead to exit from your business, perhaps into "retirement", or whatever comes next, a Wave Masters Membership, is the support network you need.

We are accepting new members now

Our community is diverse, but we are all connected by our shared goal of creating the freedom necessary to grow a thriving business while we experience our ideal lives being our best version of ourselves every day.

Here's what you get with membership!

Your Wave Masters Membership within the One Wave Life Global Community provides education, professional support, and peer mentorship to help you attain the freedom to live, work, and earn as you want. Our system for creating change, achieving, and living your version of The One Wave Lifestyle includes a uniquely designed multi-pronged platform.


Every month we'll drop a new micro-course designed to help you thrive in business and in your life.


Every month we'll host a live coaching session where you can ask questions, address your biggest challenges, learn from others experiences, and connect with community members.


At least once per quarter we'll host a live online master class to teach you the essentials you'll need to thrive in business and in your life.


24/7 access to our interactive community of like minded business owners. You can connect, collaborate, ask questions, learn, hear success stories, get tips and strategies that work, do challenges, get coaching and peer mentor support, and just be among other people who face the same struggles as you and are on their path of growing thriving businesses while also living their best lives.


24/7 access to our learning platform with a growing library of courses and other resources designed to help you set vision and direction for your business and your life, be highly productive in growing your business and in living a life you love.

Join Now

Don't Get Lost In A Crowd

We’re a small community where everyone knows your name, respects your needs, and wants to see you experience real success as much as they want it for themselves. Thanks to our powerful and easy to use platform, you will connect quickly and easily with other members who are eager to support and help you grow, along with Brent Haydey, your Ideal Life Architect.

Instant support at your finger tips.

Work-Life Harmony


Hi, I'm Brent, your Ideal Life Architect. I'm a family man with a business, not the other way around, and I'm living my ideal life every day because of it!

I'm looking forward to helping you create and experience the One Wave Lifestyle that's ideal for you.

More About Me

What Our Members Have To Say

Thais M

"Not only was it my best financial year in the past 14, but my personal life has soared."

Linda K

"With Brent's gentle and inspiring style I am making a life, not just a living!"

Kevin M

"I am now better able to handle the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur."

Samantha T

"I am on a path to become truly free."

Gerhardt K

"I've cut down stress and can focus on what really matters."

Karen C

"I get focused and re-energized in our group coaching sessions."

You Can Be A Wave Masters Founding Member by using Coupon Code WM_FOUNDERS

For $47 per Month

Normally $97 Per Month

  • Monthly Courses
  • Live Coaching
  • Quarterly Master Class
  • The Wave CafĂ©
  • The One Wave Academy
  • Making Waves Newsletter

Your Freedom Awaits!

With peer mentorship and coaching support you will establish vision and direction, reclaim time, set vision and direction for your business and your life, achieve new heights of personal performance and productivity growing your business.

You will thrive at work while also fully embracing and living a life you love!

That is The One Wave Lifestyle.

Become a Founding Wave Masters Member of One Wave Global for a special price of only $47/month by using the Coupon Code WM_FOUNDERS at checkout.

You will save $50.00 every month as a Founding Member. There will only be a limited number available so act now to secure your spot. Once gone the price will return to the usual $97/month.

Not Quite Sure Yet?

Find out more about our community and each of the component areas of the One Wave Life Global Wave Masters Membership by clicking on the plus sign in each box below. If you still have questions feel free to contact us with the link in the navigation bar above.

If you sign up and decide it's not for you then you are free to unsubscribe at any time. We're confident that once you fully immerse yourself in our powerful platform of learning and mutually collaborative support that you'll want to stay.

Buy Now